Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Dollhouse and Purple Poinsettias and the perfect Nite Cap

The French Dollhouse has become a Christmas centerpiece since it movedto the antique table in the living room. I stuffed it with twinkle lights and itsbeen the most amazing and cheerful thing to have greet us each dark wintery morning.A dollhouse tour was a big hit on my Instagram page, and its available under my highlights if you want to see the interior.This year we don't have a full size tree, as our spaces are stuffed to the gills waiting on the lake house to be built and delivered next...
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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Celebrating in our homes this Christmas

Well its already December! I've been busy with family life during these COVID times.  I think its more important than ever to try to make our homes a refuge as well as a placeof family fun and celebration.  The facts of the virus cannot be ignored, and staying healthy is at the top of my list. So how about making our homes more cheery and take an extra step to make things feel more special?  Sometimes it feels a bit depressing not to spend time with others or eating...
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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Decorating with Antique Delft Tiles and Florentine Pumpkins

Delft tiles have been catching my eye when I have been antiquing this summer.  They never did before, but this is why.After receiving this pair of blue and white club chairs from my parents,with our lake house build looming I thought they would be a good fit for that home.  And because they are this bright cornflower blueit has steered my decorating path in that direction as well.  Our current home has become the test ground for the lake house!Delft tiles are still...
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Low Carb Meals, Harry and Reeve

Fall has arrived in the Boston area. My little shed has been decorated with Indian corn and kale.The vintage flower cart I found this summer is perfect for mums and pumpkins.After a year of Covid and the pounds creeping back onI began my low carb dieting again and have a few easyrecipes to share with those of you doing the same thing.Buffalo Chicken dip is a favorite for fall football games in front of the TV.The guys have the chips and I have the celery sticks to be compliant with...
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